Three Ladies in One Pool | Sinx
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Three Ladies in One Pool

Carol is in the gym, working out on the exercise bike. She is so hot, that after taking a sip from her bottle of water, she squirts some water all ove…

Full video:  18 minutes





Carol is in the gym, working out on the exercise bike. She is so hot, that after taking a sip from her bottle of water, she squirts some water all over her chest. Her friends Cindy and Mandy show up, all decked out in their finest evening wear. The girls are going to a party and want to know if Carol is coming along. Carol says she’ll be finished in a minute. Meanwhile, Mandy and Cindy start getting frisky, playing around with each other. Before Carol even realizes what’s happening, she looks over to find Mandy and Cindy have fallen into the pool — with all their clothes still on! Well, the girls are having so much fun, that Carol can’t resist joining them. The three ladies frolic in the pool, having the time of their lives. Starring Mili Jay, La Corina, and Melanie.

Date added 12 May 2019
Runtime 18 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 952 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Mili Jay

Mili Jay
