Sticky, Messy Egg Fight | Sinx
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Sticky, Messy Egg Fight

Samantha Wow and Gia get into a sticky messy egg fight in the garden in today's update! The two were sitting in the garden having drinks and discussin…

Full video:  18 minutes





Samantha Wow and Gia get into a sticky messy egg fight in the garden in today's update! The two were sitting in the garden having drinks and discussing their favorite topics like money, their boyfriend's cocks and fashion. When Samantha lets slip that she thinks she's a better dresser than Gia, Gia grabs a few eggs that happen to be out for her “Easter in September” party and let's them “slip” through her hands and break all over Samantha's shiny party outfit. Soon the two are locked in a battle, trying frantically to see which one of them can get the other covered in as much as that slimy clear and yellow slop as possible.

Date added 23 Feb 2020
Runtime 18 minutes
Resolution SD 480p
File format mp4
File size 187 MB
Language in movie English
