Prankster Teeny Gets Her Just Desserts! | Sinx
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Prankster Teeny Gets Her Just Desserts!

Kate's been sent to her teacher's office, busted for having cigarettes and in big trouble. Miss Celine Noiret is a bit of a bitch, so she immediately …

Full video:  25 minutes





Kate's been sent to her teacher's office, busted for having cigarettes and in big trouble. Miss Celine Noiret is a bit of a bitch, so she immediately confiscates all of Kate's cigarettes, but she gets really pissed off when she discovers that in her absence Kate actually had the nerve to steal back her cigarettes and smoke one in her office; what's worse, she puledl the classic trick of putting something in teacher's chair - in this case, whipped cream! Celine quickly turns from annoyed to fucking upset when her expensive, executive skirt is marred with the messy substance, and now she's gonna go 19th century on Kate by bending her over her knee and giving the little Teeny a mean spanking! It doesn't stop there though...oh no...Celine may have to act mature for her job, but when it comes to revenge she's as childish as her students, and she's not stopping until Kate's covered in whipped cream. Kate's not one to sit by and take , so she retaliates and in no time student and teacher are engaged in a messy catfight, spraying bottle after bottle of whipped cream all over each other until they're both completely covered!

Date added 26 Jan 2020
Runtime 25 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1358 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Celine Noiret

Celine Noiret

Top performer: Kate

