Piano Prankster Gets HerJust Desserts | Sinx
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Piano Prankster Gets HerJust Desserts

It's a most un-enjoyable occasion for both piano teacher Elisa and her student Sara, who's so damn bad at the piano that she puts her teacher. Well, S…

Full video:  22 minutes





It's a most un-enjoyable occasion for both piano teacher Elisa and her student Sara, who's so damn bad at the piano that she puts her teacher. Well, Sara, being the prankster that she is and also a bit insulted that her teacher literally fell on her, decides it's time to pull a classic trick on her stern instructor. Sara puts some whipped cream on Elisa's phone, which she was holding, and then she calls her and watches in amusement as Elisa slams a cream covered phone against her ear! This bad day just turned worse for Elisa, but she's at least going to make damn sure that she'll find some pleasure when she goes on the attack in the name of messy revenge! Both of these satin clad beauties then go all out it in a wet and messy battle that quickly has them both on the floor and completely covered in whipped cream and syrup! Nasty stuff!

Date added 14 Feb 2010
Runtime 22 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1134 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Sara


Top performer: Elisa

