Dedicated To The Sale | Sinx
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Dedicated To The Sale

Barbara Summer has made an appointment with businesswoman Celine Noiret to try to sell some of her very "mess-friendly" products, and these chicks don…

Full video:  28 minutes





Barbara Summer has made an appointment with businesswoman Celine Noiret to try to sell some of her very "mess-friendly" products, and these chicks don't mess around when making a deal - oh wait, that's exactly what these two leather clad Eurobabes do! They may look nice and professional and sophisticated, but as soon as Barbara brings out the first product things get nice and wet, and from there sticky and gooey, and well, just all out absurd once Barbara puts her face on the line for a sale and gets a pie smashed right into her Eurobabe smile!! Needless to say that's some saleswoman dedication, but seeing as how this is the Allwam universe they're both in it just as much for the total WaM-fantastic fun as they are for any damn business! Two fashionable Eurobabes getting totally messy, you just gotta love it!!

Date added 12 Oct 2010
Runtime 28 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1479 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Barbara Summer

Barbara Summer

Top performer: Celine Noiret

Celine Noiret
