GGC 42 Creamed Jeans Part 1 | Sinx
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GGC 42 Creamed Jeans Part 1

Ah yes, men in just gotta love 'em. They're casual, sexy, cool, and most importantly, jeans are easy to pull down and wow all the members …

Full video:  26 minutes





Ah yes, men in just gotta love 'em. They're casual, sexy, cool, and most importantly, jeans are easy to pull down and wow all the members of Club GGC! Seeing as how this is Guys Go Crazy, it really doesn't take long for the jeans themed fashion show to come to an end and the cocks to come out, and once these guys get a glimpse of all the man meat around there's no stopping the snowball effect that is a world-famous GGC sex party! The club is well furnished with couches, and the dudes are sprawled out all over them taking full advantage of the many positions where they can finagle themselves into and fuck and suck away. This party's just getting started, so grab yourself a pair of jeans and join the jeans team!

Date added 25 Mar 2010
Runtime 26 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1291 MB
Language in movie English
