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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Pepper is very exited about getting a brand new jacuzzi, so much so that she immediately invited her best girlfriend Winnie to come try it out. Unfort…

Full video:  23 minutes





Pepper is very exited about getting a brand new jacuzzi, so much so that she immediately invited her best girlfriend Winnie to come try it out. Unfortunately, the technician from the company, Wein Lewis, had some problems with the final installment and had to postpone completion until the next day. Pepper is now very disappointed because she's not able to have the first bit of bath fun with Winnie. Seeing this, Wein takes the situation into his own hands and provides the two ladies with what his company promises to each of their clients: Total satisfaction guaranteed! In this case, that guarantee comes with a lifetime supply of piss! Golden showers for all!

Date added 28 May 2019
Runtime 23 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1124 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Pepper


Top performer: Winnie

