Castle Hotel Affairs: Luxury Weekend, Piss Included | Sinx
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Castle Hotel Affairs: Luxury Weekend, Piss Included

It's becoming more and more difficult to find good personnel in the hotel industry these days. Cindy Dollar and Rachel Evans, who have booked a luxury…

Full video:  26 minutes





It's becoming more and more difficult to find good personnel in the hotel industry these days. Cindy Dollar and Rachel Evans, who have booked a luxury weekend at the famous Castle Hotel, have also experienced this many times. This time, however, as promised in the Castle Hotel pamphlet, they are expecting the highest standard of service money can buy. This being the case, they are very surprised by the lousy service and manners of their waiter Marcel Lee. However, the two ladies take the hotel's "all inclusive" promise very seriously, and that means they expect to get served something much better than champagne. That, of course, would be the satisfaction of their burning pussies and a face full of piss, and it seems their waiter's dick can fulfill the hotel's promise: "All Inclusive, Piss Included".

Date added 28 May 2019
Runtime 26 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1405 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Rachel Evans

Rachel Evans

Top performer: Cindy Dollar

Cindy Dollar
