Lets put the EX in SEX | Sinx
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Lets put the EX in SEX

Marsha is the name of Steve’s new girlfriend, whom he is introducing proudly to his ex-girlfriend Sharka as they stop by her house to pick her up for …

Full video:  27 minutes





Marsha is the name of Steve’s new girlfriend, whom he is introducing proudly to his ex-girlfriend Sharka as they stop by her house to pick her up for a party. Marsha is understandably feeling a bit nervous in this situation and goes quickly to adjust her make-up in the bathroom. When Sharka is alone with Steve, she realizes just how much she misses their intimate moments — not to mention the kinky piss games they used to play with one another. It doesn’t take long for Steve to become convinced by her overwhelming specialty, a very hot blowjob. When Marsha re-enters the scene, she is very confused. Steve soon wipes away her confusion by teaching her the delicious advantage of a thrilling pee sex experience with his ex-girlfriend. It is an experience that she will most likely never forget!

Date added 28 May 2019
Runtime 27 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1475 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Sharka Blue

Sharka Blue

Top performer: Marsha

