Pushing All The Right Pleasure Keys | Sinx
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Pushing All The Right Pleasure Keys

When Alexis Crystal and Angel Piaf turn a piano lesson into some lesbo sensuality once a dildo makes an appearance, all thoughts go to pushing those o…

Full video:  25 minutes





When Alexis Crystal and Angel Piaf turn a piano lesson into some lesbo sensuality once a dildo makes an appearance, all thoughts go to pushing those other keys than just those on the piano! However, when head honcho Mia Angel sees what's going on she's initially upset about the lack of professionalism in her studio, but when she takes a second thought at home much fun she could have she happily gets right into the mix with her fully clothed, hot ass self! Soon enough these three are playing the music of lesbo hotness, all looking classy in their fancy outfits as they put that dildo to good use and pleasure those pussies! Now that's how a lesson is properly done!

Date added 29 Jan 2015
Runtime 25 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1282 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Mia Angel

Mia Angel

Top performer: Angel Piaf aka Chaynee

Angel Piaf aka Chaynee

Top performer: Alexis Crystal

Alexis Crystal
