Castle Hotel Affairs - Always At Your Service, Madam | Sinx
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Castle Hotel Affairs - Always At Your Service, Madam

Gioia Biel, duchess of the famous Castle Hotel, is all stressed out about a huge VIP banquet she has to prepare for the evening. Her second in command…

Full video:  21 minutes





Gioia Biel, duchess of the famous Castle Hotel, is all stressed out about a huge VIP banquet she has to prepare for the evening. Her second in command, Bob, is supposed to be helping out, but instead he's calm and cool, hanging out near the tennis courts. Just as he's feeling he should go and help out, one of the hotel clients, Cindy Gold, comes up to him and asks why the tennis nets are missing from the court as she was hoping to get in a few games. Bob, getting himself together, sincerely wishes to help the poor girl out, and if it's physical activity she craves, Bob will just have to go above and beyond the call of duty and really help her out! Turns on Cindy's totally fine with taking the sex path, and in seconds she's on her knees giving him a blowjob right in the middle of the hotel grounds. Well, as you can imagine, Gioia, in her search for Bob, discovers the two going at it, and while at first upset, Cindy assures her that she's very pleased with Bob's work, and after all, Gioia could use a little stress relief herself!

Date added 15 Aug 2019
Runtime 21 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1086 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Gioia Biel

Gioia Biel

Top performer: Cindy Gold

Cindy Gold
