The day is slowly coming to an end, and Lady Morgan Moon is enjoying her newest fashion magazine. Her housemaid slut, Amanda Vamp, and gardener stud J…
The day is slowly coming to an end, and Lady Morgan Moon is enjoying her newest fashion magazine. Her housemaid slut, Amanda Vamp, and gardener stud Jay Dee have made plans to go out partying that evening. They don't have Morgan's permission, because there's still lots of stuff they've forgotten to do in the house and garden, so they know she definitely would not agree that they deserve any kind of reward. However, Morgan takes the opportunity to
celebrate her own "party" with her servants as a kind of warm up for them, and when Morgan wants some fashionable fuck fun, her servants aren't going to say no! No one can refuse Morgan Moon, servant or not, and when she's wearing one of her favorite satin blouses the fully clothed fun is definitely on!
Date added | 22 Nov 2018 |
Runtime | 24 minutes |
Resolution | Full HD 1080p |
File format | mp4 |
File size | 1216 MB |
Language in movie | English |