The Inspection | Sinx
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The Inspection

Frederica and Christina are the owners of a brand new spa that will be having its grand opening the following day. Unfortunately, nobody checked to se…

Full video:  25 minutes





Frederica and Christina are the owners of a brand new spa that will be having its grand opening the following day. Unfortunately, nobody checked to see if the water had the right amount of chlorine in it, as required by law. Now, it is too late — the health inspector is already here, and he thinks that there is not enough chlorine. Frederica and Christina promise him that the chlorine level will be properly adjusted — if only he could come the next day and inspect it, he will see that they have fulfilled their obligation. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have time to come the next day. What can they do? Well, the inspector has a couple things in mind. One of them is a free lifetime membership to the spa. Frederica and Christina, horny vixens that they are, offer him an even better treat — their hot tongues and wet pussies on his cock.

Date added 20 Jun 2019
Runtime 25 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1212 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Christina Lee

Christina Lee

Top performer: Frederica Hill

Frederica Hill
