A Modern Performance | Sinx
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A Modern Performance

Virus Vellons and Sarka Blue are in rehearsal for a very seamy scene in a stage play. It is such a challenge for both actresses — they play a lesbian …

Full video:  25 minutes





Virus Vellons and Sarka Blue are in rehearsal for a very seamy scene in a stage play. It is such a challenge for both actresses — they play a lesbian couple and lick each other’s pussies on stage. The male director does everything in his power to get them to get it right; but pretty soon, he has to show them how to do it himself. And so he inserts himself — not only in the scene, but in their pussies as well! Of course, they can’t take their clothes off because they’re in a theatre and someone could interrupt them at any minute — but no bother. These professionals know how to enjoy themselves with their clothes on!

Date added 18 Jan 2018
Runtime 25 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1302 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Virus Vellons

Virus Vellons

Top performer: Sharka Blue

Sharka Blue
