Duke It Out In A Pool Of Slop | Sinx
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Duke It Out In A Pool Of Slop

Lora Licious and Morgan Moore face off in a slippery kiddie pool full of slop in this match, moderated by Godessa del Gabo and Gina Kilmer. An unbelie…

Full video:  24 minutes





Lora Licious and Morgan Moore face off in a slippery kiddie pool full of slop in this match, moderated by Godessa del Gabo and Gina Kilmer. An unbelievably intense fight ensues with clothes being torn off of these hotties chests as their perfect pert little tits get completely smeared with gobs of greasy grimy mess. It's gonna be a tough call for Judge Carol because both of these girls definitely give their all until they are both lying exhausted at opposite ends of the ring. Simply a great fight!

Date added 19 Jun 2010
Runtime 24 minutes
Resolution SD 480p
File format mp4
File size 221 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Morgan Moon

Morgan Moon

Top performer: Lora Licious

Lora Licious
