It may not be a "normal" picnic, but dammit these two sexy ass, satin blouse loving Eurobabes are going to have an afternoon picnic in the park their …
It may not be a "normal" picnic, but dammit these two sexy ass, satin blouse loving Eurobabes are going to have an afternoon picnic in the park their way - messy as hell! It all starts as civil enough as they find a good spot in the park and start with some champagne, but before you know it that champagne is getting poured on
their blouses and the whole atmosphere starts changing! Apparently these chicks aren't hungry, as all of the food, including baked beans, whipped cream, cereal, and eggnog (they have unique taste in food!), because even though there are people walking along the path right next to them they start covering each other in all this slop! They could care less, they just want their sexy selves to be covered in all kinds of messiness and they don't care who sees it! Check out the silliest, nastiest picnic ever!
Date added | 19 Feb 2020 |
Runtime | 27 minutes |
Resolution | Full HD 1080p |
File format | mp4 |
File size | 1374 MB |
Language in movie | English |