Designer Chick Shreds and Messes | Sinx
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Designer Chick Shreds and Messes

Gina Killmer is looking fine as hell in her shiny, sequined skirt and tight fighting top, but her fully clothed self is just the beginning of this sen…

Full video:  27 minutes





Gina Killmer is looking fine as hell in her shiny, sequined skirt and tight fighting top, but her fully clothed self is just the beginning of this sensual, messy scene! Gina's got plenty of syrup of various types and she totally gets off on pouring down her fancy outfit and sexy self in lots of sticky syrup! That's not all, though, as anyone who's familiar with this Eurobabe knows she definitely has a rough side, and in this scene that means tearing away at her

jacket until she's down to her corset with her tits practically bulging out of it! of course this chick isn't going to tear up her designer purse or watch, but she'll get everything plenty wet and messy and show you how the syrup oozes out of her perfect cleavage!

Date added 27 Jun 2018
Runtime 27 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1334 MB
Language in movie English

