Bitchy Boss Catfights With Her Assistant | Sinx
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Bitchy Boss Catfights With Her Assistant

A stunning boss dressed in a patent red shiny suit and high heels is sitting in a chair and getting increasingly frustrated. Her assistant comes in an…

Full video:  16 minutes





A stunning boss dressed in a patent red shiny suit and high heels is sitting in a chair and getting increasingly frustrated. Her assistant comes in and tries to calm her down by massaging her shoulders and temples of her head before moving down to her feet, slipping off her boss' heels. She is doing it all wrong and her boss slaps her around the face! This gorgeous pair start arguing and push each other about before they start catfighting. With hair pulling, spanking and full blown clothes ripping, they end up wrestling to the floor and left in nothing but their bras and torn skirts!

Date added 12 Nov 2019
Runtime 16 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 866 MB
Language in movie English
