The Slimy Selfie | Sinx
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The Slimy Selfie

In this day in age it's all about letting others know what you're up to minute by minute, and this casual hottie finds herself in a perfect situation …

Full video:  22 minutes





In this day in age it's all about letting others know what you're up to minute by minute, and this casual hottie finds herself in a perfect situation to do just that! She was already talking on the phone while powdering her nose, of course, so when a blast of jizz comes towards her from a gloryhole she knows she has to capture the moment! After all, the SlimeWave is pretty bizarre, and as her tits, blouse, and jeans get more and more creamed up she wants to share the fun, though ultimately abandoning her phone so she can finish the slimy job on herself!

Date added 1 Jun 2015
Runtime 22 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1185 MB
Language in movie English
