Sealing The Deal With Some Lesbo Creaminess | Sinx
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Sealing The Deal With Some Lesbo Creaminess

Tennis babe Alex is negotiating some terms with boss Kari and after some going back and forth she finally signs the contract and they think it's a don…

Full video:  20 minutes





Tennis babe Alex is negotiating some terms with boss Kari and after some going back and forth she finally signs the contract and they think it's a done deal, however when a cock starts poking out of the office wall as soon as she signs they know the meeting is not going to end there! Kari goes over to check out what's going on, but as soon as she has her hand on that cock she's more interested in what she can do to make it happy and explode all over her! Alex is excited about her new deal and is feeling horny as a result, so lucky for her a second cock comes out of another whole, and now both babes have something to suck and jerk on til they get loads of cum spraying all over them! The SlimeWave gloryhole action is always way over the top, and by the time both babes are damn near completely covered in cum they know what the SlimeWave is all about! Creamy as fuck and all over each other by the time this messy insanity is over with, these two cum freaks have definitely sealed the deal and bonded more than they ever could all through the power of ridiculous amounts of cum spraying all over the place!

Date added 3 Aug 2019
Runtime 20 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1059 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Isabella Chrystin

Isabella Chrystin

Top performer: Kari

