Barbara Summer, Number 1 Stunner | Sinx
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Barbara Summer, Number 1 Stunner

We got motha' fuckin' snakes on a porn set! The eight hot chicks present at this swing-a-licious spinning class sure didn't mind the four purple-heade…

Full video:  25 minutes





We got motha' fuckin' snakes on a porn set! The eight hot chicks present at this swing-a-licious spinning class sure didn't mind the four purple-headed womb vipers that began slinking up their chins and around their passion portals. But when the real deal slithers into the room, Eurobabe Barbara Summer comes to the horny group's rescue, allowing them to continue their passionate spinning workout after grabbing director StickyD's pussy pistol and blasting those forked tongued serpents back to hell! Jump in now with your password and check out this outrageous set, or JOIN NOW and get one instantly emailed to you!

Date added 1 Feb 2011
Runtime 25 minutes
Resolution SD 540p
File format mp4
File size 388 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Tarra White

Tarra White
