Femdom Employs WAM Techniques! | Sinx
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Femdom Employs WAM Techniques!

Frenky might look like a tough motherfucker from a distance, perched up against the bar at a biker hangout. But we are going to find out soon what thi…

Full video:  26 minutes





Frenky might look like a tough motherfucker from a distance, perched up against the bar at a biker hangout. But we are going to find out soon what this tough guy is REALLY made of. He has yet to experience the phenomenon known as Chantal Ferrera in the flesh. All that is going to change on this horny afternoon. Chantal doesn't let any guy fuck take control. This unique, big-titted female dominatrix likes to be in total control of her men. She shows him that SHE, in fact, is the tough bitch by smearing his food all over her ass cheeks. “There, eat it now, you pig“, she tells him. She gets Frenky so turned on that he has to beg to fuck her. After playing with his cock and balls, she handcuffs him to the ceiling and covers him with wet and messy goo. But Frenky will have his revenge, in this awesome WAM episode of Tyrannized!

Date added 15 Jan 2018
Runtime 26 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 1296 MB
Language in movie English
