GGC 14 V.I.P. Party Boys Part 1 | Sinx
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GGC 14 V.I.P. Party Boys Part 1

GUYS GO CRAZY MAKES GAY PORN HISTORY WITH THE FIRST-EVER HIP HOP ORGY PARTY! That's right, we invited our friends the V.I.P. Party Boys to come perfo…

Full video:  30 minutes





GUYS GO CRAZY MAKES GAY PORN HISTORY WITH THE FIRST-EVER HIP HOP ORGY PARTY! That's right, we invited our friends the V.I.P. Party Boys to come perform their own special brand of gay rap for our own party boys and the result is an out-of control, electro-charged insane naked sweaty cock-filled sex pit that is off the fucking hook! On stage or off there's so much fucking action the likes of which have never been seen before, anywhere, so check out this video and see the guys go crazier than they ever have before!

Date added 18 Jun 2010
Runtime 30 minutes
Resolution SD 480p
File format mp4
File size 290 MB
Language in movie English


Top performer: Denis Reed

Denis Reed
