Wet paint play-fighting with four sexy ladies | Sinx
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Wet paint play-fighting with four sexy ladies

These three hot girls were supposed to be painting a fence, but instead, they got in a sticky, messy playfight and used up almost all of the wet paint…

Full video:  12 minutes





These three hot girls were supposed to be painting a fence, but instead, they got in a sticky, messy playfight and used up almost all of the wet paint! Now they’re covered in it. The boss lady isn’t going to be happy about this. She comes to give them a talking to, in a short, sexy skirt suit, and starts showing them what they need to do. Instead, they start demonstrating to her what to do, and give her a good messy spanking! At the end, everyone gets deliciously hosed down with clean water.

Date added 29 Sep 2018
Runtime 12 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 630 MB
Language in movie English
