Messy rock paper scissors game with hotties | Sinx
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Messy rock paper scissors game with hotties

Two sexy brunettes dressed in leather, PVC, and flowing silky blouses decide to go head to head, or rather, hand to hand in a naughty game of rock pap…

Full video:  13 minutes





Two sexy brunettes dressed in leather, PVC, and flowing silky blouses decide to go head to head, or rather, hand to hand in a naughty game of rock paper scissors! But the loser of each round has to submit to a unique punishment. She has to let the other girl make her all messy! They start plastering each other’s leather and PVC gear with creamy white hand prints using a body whip. Then they drench one another in slippery oil and body lotion that makes their blouses stick to their skin. The punishments are more fun than the game!

Date added 29 Sep 2018
Runtime 13 minutes
Resolution Full HD 1080p
File format mp4
File size 687 MB
Language in movie English
